1951 Polish–Soviet territorial exchange

The Polish-Soviet territorial exchange in 1951 was the largest exchange of territory between Poland and the Soviet Union. It covered an area of 480 square kilometers that were exchanged between the two countries.

After the westward shift of Poland in 1945, the eastern border of Poland remained with the exception of the village Medyka, which was returned to Poland in 1948, consist essentially. Through the discovery of extensive coal deposits in the river bend the bow, however, was on the Soviet side a strong interest in the area between the bow and the river Sołokija. In Soviet pressure led to negotiations with Poland, signed in their episode on February 15, 1951, a contract for the exchange of territory between the two countries. The following areas have been changed:

  • From the Soviet Union to Poland: Parts of the Oblast Drohobytsch with the city Ustrzyki Dolne ( Устрики Долішні / Ustryky Dolischni ) and the Czarna gminas ( Чорна / Chorna ) Lutowiska ( Шевченко / Shevchenko ), Krościenko, Bandrów Narodowy, Bystre and Liskowate.
  • From Poland to the Soviet Union: Parts of Lublin Voivodeship with the (now partially former ) cities Bels / Белз ( Belz ), Uhniw / Угнів ( Uhnów ) Tscherwonohrad / Червоноград ( Krystynopol ) Warjasch / Варяж ( warez ) and Chorobriw / Хоробрів ( Chorobrów ) as well as the villages Piddubne / Піддубне ( Poddębce ) Mychajliwka / Михайлівка ( Michałówka ) Sastawne / Заставне ( Zastawie ) Kortschiw / Корчів ( Korczów ) Stajiwka / Стаївка ( Staje ) Sabolottja / Заболоття ( Zabłocie ) Schuscheljany / Жужеляни ( Zuzel ) Peremyslowytschi / Перемисловичі ( Przemysłów ) Sebetschiw / Себечів ( Siebieczów ) Werbowe / Вербове ( Wierzbiąż ) Zebliw / Цеблів ( Cebłów ) Hluchiw / Глухів ( Głuchów ) Murowane / Муроване ( Żabcze Murowane ) Ostriw / Острів ( Ostrow ), Borjatyn / Борятин ( Boratyn ) Dobrjatschyn / Добрячин ( Dobraczyn ) Rudka / Рудка ( Madziarki ) Sawyschen / Завишень ( Zawisznia ) Leschkiw / Лешків ( Leszczków ) Lubniwka / Лубнівка ( Lubow ), Russyn / Русин ( Rusin ), Bojanytschi / Бояничі ( Bojanice ) Hatkiwka / Гатківка ( Hatowice ) Konotopy / Конотопи, Nynowytschi / Ниновичі ( Mianowice ), Huta / Гута ( Moszków ) Nismytschi / Нісмичі ( Nuśmice ) Opilsko / Опільсько ( Opulsko ) Sawtschyn / Савчин ( Sawczyn ) Starhorod / Старгород ( Starogród ) Tudorkowytschi / Тудорковичі ( Tudorkowice ) Uhryniw / Угринів ( Uhrynów ) Wojslawytschi / Войславичі ( Wojsławice ) Teljasch / Теляж ( Cieląż ) Ulwiwok / Ульвівок ( Ulwówek ) and Pissotschne / Пісочне ( Piaseczno ) as well as the urban-type settlement Schwyrka / Жвирка ( Żwirka )