A Study in Scarlet (1914 film)

  • James Bragington: Sherlock Holmes
  • Fred Paul: Jefferson Hope
  • Agnes Glynne: Lucy Ferrier
  • Henry Paulo: John Ferrier
  • James Le Fri: father
  • Winifred Pearson: Lucy

A Study in Scarlet is a British film directed by George Pearson from the year 1914. The film was shown on six rolls of film.


Holmes investigates a murder in a Mormon trek of 1850.


The Cast of Sherlock Holmes was James Bragington, the accountant at the producer Samuelson was and had no previous acting experience. It was his only film appearance.


A film of the same name was released the next day (December 29, 1914). Directed by Francis Ford, who represented in this film Sherlock Holmes, his younger brother John Ford played Dr. Watson.
