
A ABeCeDarius (also: " the Abecedar "; Latin ABeCeDarius, please complete versus " ABC poem" ) is a poem in which the first letter of each verse and each stanza according to the order of the alphabet is selected - see also acrostic. Schematically sees (at a versweisen ABeCeDarius ) like this:

In another form of the initials of the words forming the alphabet. - One of the most Abecedarien is Psalm 119, called by Luther ( Ps 119.1 LUT) " the golden ABC", because in the original, taken together, the first letter of each verse the Hebrew alphabet arise. In the present, a complete German ABeCeDarius was written, among others, by Günter participants. For his children's book " My great-grandfather and I ," wrote James Kruss a reverse ABeCeDarius ( " Zanthens Yacht Xanthippe was completely unpredictable, always drove irregular cross ...").
