
Abrau- Djurso (Russian Абрау - Дюрсо ) is a village ( selo ) in the Krasnodar (Russia) region with 3519 inhabitants (as of October 14, 2010 ). The place belongs to the city of Novorossiysk circle, within which he administrative seat of a " district " ( Selski okrug ). Abrau- Djurso is located about 14 km west of Novorossiysk on Abrau Lake. Not belonging to the place, the Court Djurso at the mouth of the river of the same name a few miles south of Abrau- Djurso. The place is known for its viticulture.


The history of the present-day village begins with the founding of a held by the Russian royal family's wine economy in the early 1870s. The name of the Circassian words were Abrau for, steep slope ' and Djurso for four sources ' derived. First, the varieties were cultivated Riesling and Blue Portuguese, and later Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Gris, Traminer and others. End of the 19th century, focused on the production of sparkling wines by the traditional bottle fermentation method. 1920 wine production was nationalized and established a state farm.

In the German -Soviet war, the town was taken on September 6, 1942 by the German Wehrmacht and recaptured on 18 September 1943 by the Red Army. 1948 was the place the status of an urban-type settlement, which he lost again in 2006 as part of the administrative reform in Russia.


Note: Census data


In Abrau- Djurso the largest sparkling wine production is Russia with an annual production of 13 million bottles ( 2010). Abrau- Djurso is also a well-known resort.

