Achim (name)

Achim is a male first name.

Origin and Meaning of the Name

Achim is the German short form of the Hebrew name Joachim, which means about as much as " brought up by Yahweh" or " erected by Yahweh". Jehoiakim is also a biblical king 's name.

In the Gospel according to Matthew (Matthew 1:14) While a Achim is listed in the list of ancestors of Jesus as the son of Zadok and father of Eliud, but only appears in the calendar of saints Joachim and could act as a patron so in a mainly Christian society. Where the first syllable of Joachim was emphasized by the fact the name Jochen where the second syllable was stressed developed, which received the first syllable, as in the analogous case of the given name John, who was to Hannes or Hans.

His feast in the Catholic and Anglican Church is June 26th.

Well-known bearers of the name

  • Achim von Arnim (1781-1831), German writer
  • Achim Benning (* 1935), German actor and director
  • Achim Freyer ( born 1934 ), German painter and director
  • Achim Mentzel (* 1946), German Moderator
  • Achim Reichel ( born 1944 ), German musician