
Green Alpendost ( Adenostyles alpina)

Alpendost ( Adenostyles ) is a genus in the subfamily of herbaceous within the sunflower family ( Asteraceae). It was rewritten by Alexandre Henri Gabriel de Cassini (1781-1832) in 1816. For some species, including the name Cacalia was previously common. The scientific name Adenostyles is formed from Greek aden = gland and stylos = stylus, because of the club-shaped papillae at the pen, but they are not actual glands. The German name Dost comes from Old High German and referred to plants with dense reichblütigen inflorescences.


These are perennial herbaceous plants - are almost bald hairy to white tomentose - depending on the type. The long-stalked leaves are mostly arranged in a basal rosette. Of the few alternate on the stem seated foliage leaves, the leaf surface is significantly reduced at the top.

Arranged in a schirmrispigen inflorescence are the basket- shaped part inflorescences that are about 1 inch long and consist of hermaphrodite, pink colored tubular flowers. The two most common types Grey Alpendost ( Adenostyles alliariae ) and Green Alpendost ( Adenostyles alpina) sitting in a basket of flowers just two to five (rarely up to ten) disc florets, which occurs in the western Alps Weißfilzige Alpendost ( Adenostyles leucophylla ), however, has up to 25 florets per basket.


The genus is native to mountains of southern and central Europe. The Central European species thrive mostly in rubble corridors, Hochstaudenfluren or in mixed mountain forests. The highest rises to A. leucophylla, which occurs in the Valais at 3000 m altitude.


In this type there are the following types:

  • Gray Alpendost ( Adenostyles alliariae ( Gouan ) A. Core. ), With the subspecies: subsp. alliariae
  • Subsp. macrocephala ( Huter & al. ) Wagenitz & I waste., occurs only in Calabria
  • Subsp. orientalis ( Boiss. ) Greuter, occurs only in Greece and the former Yugoslavia
  • Subsp. pyrenaica ( Lange) P. Fourn. , occurs only in France and Spain
  • Subsp. alpina
  • Subsp. australis ( Ten. ) Greuter, occurs only in Italy
  • Subsp. Bailing ( Wagenitz & I waste. ) Greuter, occurs in Sicily