
Adele is an inherited from the French feminine first name, which was originally borrowed from the Germans. The name is also a short form of Adelheid.

Name Days

Name day is the

  • January 3: Adela of Pfalzel (Orthodox ( Germany ), Catholic)
  • December 24: Adela of Pfalzel ( Orthodox)

Famous names winners

  • Adele Addison ( born 1925 ), American soprano
  • Adele Bloch -Bauer (1881-1925), Austrian entrepreneur wife, model and namesake for two paintings by Gustav Klimt
  • Adele Duttweiler (1892-1990), wife of the Migros founder Gottlieb Duttweiler.
  • Adele Gerhard (1868-1956), German writer
  • Adèle Haenel (* 1989), French actress
  • Adele of Maine ( Adèle du Maine, also: Aélis, Adelheid; † before 890 ), first wife of the future French king Robert I.
  • Adele Sandrock (1863-1937), German actress
  • Adele Schopenhauer (1797-1849), German writer
  • Adele Laurie Blue Adkins (* 1988), British soul singer
  • Female first name

Pictures of Adléta
