Admonitio generalis

The Admonitio generalis (Latin: " general admonition ") is a statute enacted by Charlemagne in 789 Kapitular. It is one of the most famous capitularies at all.

This is a detailed send and formal notice which is addressed to the bishops, the other clergy, secular dignitaries and the people of the kingdom. It refers to the Bible and the Church's law and forms in its shape a reform program for the entire Frankish kingdom. The eminent scholar Alcuin was involved in its formulation. She leads the initiative to a comprehensive education reform continues, the first of which is preserved document addressed to the abbot of Fulda Baugulf, later for further dissemination Angilram of Metz sent Epistula de litteris colendis of 784/85.

The Admonitio generalis is divided into two main sections:

  • In Chapters 1 to 59 items of church order to be treated. On the whole, there is repetition of instructions that Pope Hadrian I had given 774, specifically canons and papal decretals from the collection of Dionysius Exiguus. The goal was the old restore as exemplary prestigious canon law.
  • In the second section, chapters 60-82, the actual reform program is initiated. Charlemagne intended so that the Fundamentalchristianisierung often still pagan dominated tribal society of the empire. He held the ecclesiastical and secular rulers to on, peaceful co-operate, and installed a large-scale program for the formation of care in the context of ecclesiastical institutions.

Text output

  • Hubert Mordek †, Klaus Zechiel -gon †, Michael Straight Hair (ed. ): The Admonitio generalis of Charlemagne. Hahn, Hannover 2012 ( MGH Fontes iuris germanici antiqui in usum scholarum separatim editi, Volume 16 ), ISBN 978-3-7752-2201-3.