
Aeromonas hydrophila

Aeromonas is a genus within the gram-negative gamma proteobacteria. Aeromonas was made earlier to the family Vibrionaceae. The species can be divided into two groups: the mesophilic and psychrophilic the ( cold-loving ) group. The mesophilic species (eg Aeromonas hydrophila ) are mostly polar flagella and movable ( motile ), the cold-loving (eg Aeromonas salmonicida ) generally have no flagella and thus are not motile. All species can live without oxygen, they are facultative anaerobes.


Oxidase test is positive, the enzyme cytochrome C oxidase is detectable in all types, as well as the catalase test is positive. Aeromonas can be found in fresh and brackish water. The species can utilize sugars (eg, glucose) for metabolism, while they generally form acid. Starch is degraded under acid formation. Partially, for example, in Aeromonas hydrophila, takes place 2,3- Butandiolgärung formation of gas.

Some species are among the spoilage of foods (especially in cold storage goods).

Aeromonas as pathogens

In the genus Aeromonas some pathogens for humans and different animal species, such as fish and frogs are present. For humans include Aeromonas hydrophila, Aeromonas caviae and Aeromonas veronii biovar sobria important. Surface water that is contaminated with Aeromonas, or foods that come into contact with such water, are the starting point for diseases. In addition, Aeromonas species are feared " hospital agent" ( hospital-acquired infections of installations and irrigation fluids ). Various types are triggers of wound infections and can cause blood poisoning ( sepsis). Aeromonas hydrophila is considered by many authors as the causative agent of gastroenteritis ( gastro-intestinal flu) and diarrheal diseases ( diarrhea ). This topic is still subject discussion. Some authors are of the opinion that probably only a few strains of Aeromonas are pathogenic to humans (similar to Escherichia coli). At least Aeromonas hydrophila from diseased bowel movement from diarrhea patients and from healthy people completely isolated.

Aeromonas can cause disease -like diseases, such as spot disease in freshwater fish. Aeromonas salmonicida, first described as Bacterium salmonicida end of the 19th century, is pathogenic for fish and the trigger of furunculosis, an infectious disease that occurs in various trout fishing. Furthermore, some species are agents of Aalrotseuche at River Aalen- The non-pathogenic species Aeromonas encheleia was also isolated from eels and named accordingly. This kind possesses flagella and is mesophilic. Aeromonas hydrophila can also cause disease in fish, but is known primarily as a pathogen of frogs.


A selection of the assigned to the genus Aeromonas species:

  • Aeromonas allosaccharophila Martinez - Murcia et al. 1992
  • Aeromonas aquariorum Martínez- Murcia et al. 2008
  • Aeromonas bestiary Ali et al., 1996
  • Aeromonas bivalvium Minana - Galbis et al. 2007
  • Aeromonas enteropelogenes Schubert et al. 1991
  • Aeromonas eucrenophila Schubert and Hegazi 1988
  • Aeromonas hydrophila ( Chester 1901) Stanier 1943 Aeromonas hydrophila subsp. anaerogenes Schubert 1964
  • Aeromonas hydrophila subsp. dhakensis Huys et al. 2002
  • Aeromonas hydrophila subsp. hydrophila ( Chester 1901) Stanier 1943
  • Aeromonas hydrophila subsp. ranae Huys et al. 2003
  • Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. achromogenes (Smith 1963) Schubert 1967
  • Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida ( Lehmann and Neumann 1896), Griffin et al. 1953

