Aethra (Greek mythology)

Aethra (Greek Αἴθρα ) In Greek mythology, the daughter of the king of Pittheus Troizen, as the wife of Aegeus (according to other by Poseidon ) mother of Theseus. This was kidnapped with the help of Pirithous Helena and then pass them to his mother. When it went out for the Liberation of the Dioscuri her sister Helena, Aethra was captured by them and taken as a slave to Troy. After the conquest of the city, it was here among the prisoners of war, slaves, recognized by their grandchildren, the sons of Theseus, Demophon and Akamas and released on the request of Helena. According to Hyginus, she took later from grief over the death of her sons life. Your story has been edited several times by the Greek tragedians.
