Affirmations (New Age)

The Affirmation (Latin Affirmatio for " insurance, assertion " ) is an evaluative property for procedural, cognitive or logical entities that can be described with " affirmative ", " agree" or " assignment".


In the linguistic sense is the affirmative ( affirmative / positive evaluative ) use or meaning of a word the opposite of a pejorative (negative judgmental or pejorative ) use or meaning.


In logic, the term affirmation is a technical term ( technical term ), which takes as a loan word from the Latin word Affirmatio. The Latin word Affirmatio is a translation of the Greek expression katáphasis. The contrast is the negation (Latin negatio, Greek Apophasis ).

In classical logic affirmation is the affirmation, the affirmative statement in the sense that a predicate is attributed to a subject ( in the traditional sense ).

  • Berlin is a capital city.

In predicate logic, a statement is called affirmative, if you predicate an entire set or a subset of subjects will be awarded. Example of this are two sets:

  • All living beings are mortal.
  • Some cities have more than one million inhabitants.

The term affirmation is a mental event, the speech act of affirmation or asserting or the content (the proposition), he (or she ) claims or is in the affirmative, respectively.

Spirituality, religion and esotericism

In terms of individual and collective thoughts, actions and statements ( here especially: Prayers and mantras ) and with quite very different objectives ( eg, self- healing, knowledge, enlightenment, ...) are understood affirmations as a consciously expressed stance (see also Positive Thinking ), the the system by itself positively influenced.

If known in numerous directions, and schools of traditional and contemporary wisdom teachings in the areas of spirituality, religion and esotericism countless practices in this regard, questions arise concerning the causality of affirmations and their coincident consequences. So show from today's perspective, epistemological obstacles that include also due to lack of appropriate methodological approaches. The systematic collection and analysis of authentic reports and historical records of alleged affirmative effects can be a debate on issues that are worthy of discussion in the field of parapsychology.


In clinical psychology, there are numerous approaches to dysfunctional behavior or mental states (see list of mental disorders ) to heal through application of appropriate therapies, which affirmative elements can be attributed to, or relieve.

Communication and Advertising

Especially in modern mass communication serve affirmative key phrases to motivate affine peer groups by contagious enthusiasm for the product, service or similar to interest, and to enable the end. An example of recent history is the English phrase " Yes, we can! " ( To German as: "We do it" ), which the U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama used the slogan of his party for the presidential election in the United States in 2008.
