Agaricus campestris

Meadow mushroom (Agaricus campestris )

The meadow mushroom (Agaricus campestris ), also known by the name field or meadow Negro Ling, is an agaric mushroom of the family of relatives. The type includes numerous, partly difficult to distinguish varieties and can be easily confused with other species representatives.


The 5-10 (-15 ) cm wide hat is hemispherical young, soon convex- domed shaped and flattened often centered. The color is white to gray - whitish. With increasing age, the hat from the center starting brownish, flat-lying scales on. The fins on the Hutunterseite are already tired early pink flesh and finally stained chocolate brown through the dark brown spore powder. The 1-2 cm thick, compact stalk is 4-7 cm long and is rarely greater than the cap diameter. He is colored white and sometimes tinged ocher yellowish at the base. After Aufschirmen the hat a coherent, transient ring is left on the stem. The flesh is white, remains unchanged at pressure, smells and tastes nonspecific.


Confusingly similar looks of toxic carbolic mushroom, which, however, the handle base features a bright chrome yellow flesh and unpleasant smell of carbolic. More alike are deadly poisonous Kegelhütige Knollenblätterpilz and the Spring Knollenblätterpilz whose fins are but always colored white and whose lower end of the handle is in a sac-like envelope.

Ecology and phenology

The meadow mushroom grows primarily on moderately fertilized meadows, pastures and paddocks. But even in gardens, parks, recreation areas and field margins and empty fields it occurs. Sometimes you meet him also on nutrient-poor oligotrophic grassland or juniper heaths - there usually in places with increased nitrogen inputs such as along dirt tracks or seasoned grass clippings. Sometimes it can also be found on grassy places in deciduous forests, the edges and clearings. The fungus has a predilection for basic and neutral soils, less often he settled acidic habitats.

The warmth-loving fruktifiziert in Central Europe in July after heavy rainfall and usually occurs in large quantities. Very often it is growing in fairy rings or scattered groups.


The meadow mushroom is in Australia, spread to the Hawaiian Islands, in North America ( Mexico, USA, Canada, Greenland), in large parts of Asia, North Africa, including the Canary Islands and in Europe. In Europe, it comes from the Mediterranean prior to Scandinavia and Iceland. In Germany the species is widespread, but decreases particularly by over-fertilization of their locations.


The meadow mushroom is a popular edible mushroom.

