Agaricus xanthodermus

Carbolic mushroom (Agaricus xanthodermus )

The called carbolic mushroom (Agaricus xanthodermus ), also Poison Egerling or carbolic Egerling, a poisonous mushroom species from the family of mushroom relatives of edible mushrooms is very similar looks. It also comes in the same territory as before the field mushroom, but has an unpleasant odor of phenol (obsolete: " carbolic acid "). The name ink Egerling comes from the similar -smelling iron gall ink.


Macroscopic characteristics

The hat reached a diameter 5 to 14 centimeters and is white to off-white colored; in the middle of a brownish tinted zone may be located. Jung is the hat in the middle often flattened, so that he almost trapezoidal in cross-section appears ( in the side aspect " quadratschädelig " herein also similar to the sheep Egerling ). The surface is usually ungeschuppt and may tear during dry periods in the radial direction; However, there are also gray or brown scaly specimens. The crowded lamella are flesh-colored or tinted pink in the young stage. At the age they turn through the maturing spores increasingly brown, last chocolate brown. The flesh is white and runs to the touch, especially in the stem base, chrome yellow to.

Microscopic characteristics

The spores are elliptical and have a size of 5.5-6.5 × 3.5-4.5 micrometers. The cheilocystidia are stalked capitate - shaped.


Difficult is especially the distinction of sheep and mushroom, which also has gilbendes meat. In addition, can only be weak, the typical smell of carbolic carbolic the mushroom. This smell unfolds especially if the slats or the stem base are ground. Furthermore, the yellowing of Sheep mushrooms on the entire fruiting body is about equally strong and not like the carbolic mushroom amplified in the stem base. From other edible mushrooms such as the meadow mushroom or the city and mushroom that hold rötendes meat, the carbolic mushroom differs by the yellowing flesh.

Ecology and phenology

The carbolic mushroom grows in woods, meadows, parks and gardens. He is often encountered from May to October.


The carbolic mushroom is slightly toxic. Poisoning lead to violent vomiting and diarrhea, in severe cases, cause dizziness and blurred vision. There, where the fungus is common, for example, in the Rhine Valley, poisoning with carbolic mushrooms are the most common cause of mushroom poisoning. Have been found as poisons phenol and diazo compounds, and hydrazine (for example Aparikon, Xanthodermin, hydroxy - benzene diazonium ion). Some people can eat without suffering from poisoning the fungus even.
