Ain't That Just Like a Woman (They'll Do It Every Time)


Is not That Just Like a Woman ( They'll Do It Every Time ) is a rhythm and blues song that was supposedly written by Claude Demetrius and Fleecie Moore. The original version was published in 1946 by Louis Jordan and His Tympany Five on Decca.


The song is about women who have tormented men throughout history. It is Eve in Paradise, Lot's wife, Delilah and Marie Antoinette. He says that Adam was happy, but only to Eva their problems with an apple got ( There was Adam, happy as a man Could be Till Eve got him messin 'with did old apple tree ), Lot's wife is a pillar of salt, Delilah cuts Samson's hair and Marie Antoinette recommends hungry children crying for bread to eat cake. ( Marie Antoinette met some hungry cats at the gate They what crying for bread, she said, " Let them eat cake " ) is the only man, the Roman Emperor Nero mentioned, but his behavior during burning of Rome is referred to as female. ( From our history books we all learned Nero fiddled while Rome burned what ) After all the historical events a warning to the world of men is still being sung. ( You can buy a woman clothes And give her money on the side No matter what you do She is not never satisfied ) It does not matter what make men, women are never satisfied.

The song reached number one in the R & B Jukebox charts in the pop - Charts he reached the 17th place.

Cover versions

Pictures of Ain't That Just Like a Woman (They'll Do It Every Time)
