Aktion Kinder des Holocaust

The action Children of the Holocaust ( akdh ) with headquarters in Basel is a Swiss Verein ( under Article 60 et seq of the Civil Code ) of descendants of survivors of the Nazi persecution of the Jews and the anti-fascist resistance and their relatives and friends. It describes itself as the " Association against anti-Semitism, racism and political extremism ."

Tasks and objectives

  • Collection and analysis of data and information on anti-Semitic, racist and extremist events and developments in the socio-political context.
  • Educate and inform the public about anti-Semitism, racism and political extremism, as well as xenophobia and xenophobia.
  • Initiation and implementation of actions and projects to educate and combat anti-Semitism, racism and political extremism.


Membership is open to any natural or legal person principle which divides the objectives of akdh; decide on their inclusion ( finally ) of the Board of Directors.


The akdh projects have their focus in the area of ​​right-wing extremism prevention and education. Depending on the project coordinates the akdh diverse professionals. Represented on the Board of Patrons of the akdh are about the German Auschwitz Committee, the author Peter Bichsel and Mariella More, the historian Heiko Haumann, the Jewish personalities François Loeb and Uri Avnery.

In cooperation with various organizations ( INACH.net ) and authorities - in Germany Jugendschutz.net - is the akdh in certain cases even against extreme right-wing propaganda on the Internet. Such websites can also be reported to the akdh pages.

Developed by Internet akdh Streetworking found in professional circles attention. It was introduced about at the OSCE conference in Paris on 16 and 17 June 2004 to a wider audience.

Currently, the akdh partner of the interdisciplinary research project VIOLENCE - Youth and violence related to socio- ecological structures of the University of Basel. She is also mitbeteiligt the research project NFP40 the University of Basel.

The system developed by the project akdh Internet Streetworking was supported until 2005 by the Service for Combating Racism with CHF 80,000. Currently, it is supported by a Foundation and the Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities (SIG ).
