
31.99694444444412.63Koordinaten: 32 ° 0 ' N, 12 ° 38' O

Al - Qawalisch (Arabic القواليش, DMG al - Qawālīš; French Goualich, English Al- Qawalish, German also al - Kawalisch and al - Gawalish ) is a Libyan town with about 4,000 inhabitants.


The place al - Qawalisch located on the edge of the Nafusa highlands, 100 km south of Tripoli, 50 kilometers west of Gharyan, 15 kilometers from Yafran in Munizip al - Jabal al - Gharbi.


Government and rebels fought during the civil war in Libya several times in al - Qawalisch. This is due to the geo-strategic importance of the site for attacks on Gharyan and the main road to Tripoli. So insurgents took the city on 6 July 2011 after heavy artillery battles a. Human Rights Watch reported that Gaddafi loyal troops had previously identified three minefields to al - Qawalisch of several hundred T- AB-1 antipersonnel mines Brazilian origin and dozens of Chinese Type - 72SP landmines. The inhabitants fled before the conquest. As a result, there was looting, vandalism and arson by the rebels. On July 13 launched Gaddafi fighters loyal a morning counterattack and briefly conquered al - Qawalisch before they were pushed back by the rebels. On July 24, there was fierce fighting, in which even heavy weapons, such as rockets, were used.

Pictures of Al-Qawalish
