Albert Watson (photographer)

Albert Watson ( born 1942 in Edinburgh, Scotland ) is a British photographer who has lived in the U.S. since 1976. Since its birth Watson is blind in one eye. He became famous for his fashion and portrait photographs. He photographed stars like Mick Jagger, Alfred Hitchcock, Kate Moss, Johnny Depp, Jack Nicholson, Naomi Campbell and Marilyn Manson.


"He is a man driven ," says the Culture Report ( ARD) about him. " About 250 covers for Vogue, thousands of fashion shoots, 650 advertising films and quite a few music videos he has made. His images have become icons of photographic "But his repertoire as far greater. Important are his images of Morocco. One of his three picture books (the third release in 2006 ) is dedicated to this country. He is also the official court photographer of Mohammed VI ..

Also known are his series about Las Vegas and monkeys.


  • 2013: Albert Watson: 14 days in Benin. (April 28, 2013 to July 28, 2013 ) in a diamond -Joest - Museum - Cultures of the World (Cologne)