Albert Wigand

Julius Wilhelm Albert Wigand (* April 21, 1821 in Treysa in Hesse, † October 22, 1886 in Marburg ) was a German botanist. Its official botanical author abbreviation is " Wigand ".


Wigand studied in Marburg and was a member of the Corps Teutonia since 1840. He later became honorary Philistines of pharmaceutical- scientific association " Pharmacia ", the forerunner of today's country team Hasso Borussia Marburg. Wigand received in 1846 a doctorate in Jena and was then Director of the Botanical Garden and the Pharmaceutical Institute in Marburg, where he was an associate in 1851 and full professor in 1861. His research activities were morphology, teratology, anatomy and physiology. Despite a number of wrong guesses he was regarded in professional circles, especially through his works: Groundwork of the planting duck Rato Logie ( 1850) and a series of observations on education deviations from the plant kingdom (1854 ). A deeply devout Christian, he disagreed with the teachings of Darwin and put his point of view in the work: Darwinism and natural science Newton 's and Cuvier's (3 volumes, 1874-77 ) dar.

From Wigand, in the literature usually called Albert Wigand, come numerous original descriptions of fungi and algae, as he first described the slime mold Hemitrichia abietina (1863, as Trichia abietina ) and the diatom Cocconeis radiata.


Him another diatom Cocconeis wigandii was named in honor.

Pictures of Albert Wigand
