Aldo Mongiano

Aldo Mongiano IMC ( born 1 November 1919 in Pontestura, Italy) is a retired bishop of Roraima.


Aldo Mongiano joined the Congregation of the Consolata missionaries and received on 3 June 1943, the ordination.

Paul VI. appointed him on 14 May 1975 prelate of Roraima and Titular Bishop of Nasai. The Bishop of Casale Monferrato Carlo Cavalla consecrated him on 5 October of the same year the bishop; Co-consecrators were Giuseppe Angrisani, retired Bishop of Casale Monferrato and Luigi Bettazzi, Bishop of Ivrea. He entered on May 26, back in 1978 as Titular Bishop of Nasai and was appointed on December 4, 1979 by John Paul II as Bishop of Roraima.

On 26 June 1996, the Pope accepted his resignation age-related.
