Alejandro Gallinal

Cerro Colorado on the map of Uruguay

Cerro Colorado, also performed under the name of Dr. Alejandro Gallinal, is a village in Uruguay.


Cerro Colorado is located in the area of the department of Florida in its sector 9 in the Cuchilla Grande Inferior. Nearest settlement is in the southwest Reboledo. West of the town stems from the Río Santa Lucía Chico. At the located on the northeast edge Cerro Colorados same topographical survey Cerro Colorado the sources of Arroyo Timote, the Arroyo del Tigre ( tributary of Arroyo Mansavillagra ) and the Arroyo de la Cruz can be found. The north of the town extending area is called Cuchilla de Mansavillagra.


Due to the location of the Ruta leads 7 In addition, the railway line runs Montevideo - Nico Pérez Cerro Colorado.


The inhabitants of Cerro Colorado is 1,357 (as of 2011), of which 687 male and 670 female.

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay

Sons and daughters of Cerro Colorado

  • Omar Prego Gadea (1927-2014), writer, journalist and essayist