Alex Vetchinsky

Alex Vetchinsky ( born November 9, 1904 in London as Alec Hyman Vetchinsky; † March 4, 1980 in Hove ) was a British art director.

Life and work

The son of Polish parents worked after his training at the Architectural Association in a London architectural firm before joining as Assistant Designer in 1928 for the production company Gainsborough Pictures. Three years later he made his debut as chief architect.

In this capacity, he designed the first Filmbauten for smaller productions, since its Cooperation ( from 1937) with significant tip afterwards directors such as Carol Reed, Alfred Hitchcock and Edward Dmytryk moved Vetchinsky on in the top group of British architects film.

Especially in the early post-war years, he was involved in some lavishly produced prestige films, including Beware of Pity, The Copper Mountain and House of longing. In later years, Alex Vetchinsky equipped inexpensive goods produced comedy series as several productions of the Carry-on ... film series from but other mainstream entertainment and a few complex features films, including The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders and Jane Eyre. In Sherlock Holmes's greatest case Vetchinsky could with a lot of sense for Atmospheric the world of London's streets, backyards and dives at the time of Jack the Ripper to resurrect.

