Alexander von Middendorff

Alexander Theodor von Middendorff (Russian Александр Федорович Миддендорф, scientific transliteration Aleksandr Fedorovič Middendorf, born 6 Augustjul / August 18 1815greg in Saint Petersburg, .. † 16 Januarjul / January 28 1894greg on his estate Extremely Bright ( estn. . Hellenurme ) in Livonia / Estonia ) was a Baltic German zoologist and explorer in Russian service.

Middendorff 1839 at Kiev University Professor of Zoology and visited in 1840 for research purposes Lapland. He put the results in the context of published by Karl Ernst von Baer and Helmerson work contributions to the knowledge of the Russian Empire before (Vol. 11, St. Petersburg, 1845).

Then he traveled on behalf of the Russian Academy of Sciences 1842-1845 the far north of Siberia, where he particularly examined the Taimyr country and came to the shores of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the upper reaches of the Amur. The results of this journey are published by him travel in the far north and east of Siberia during the years 1843 to 1844 ( 4 vols St. Petersburg, 1848-1875 ) published.

Middendorff 1845 was elected a member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In the memoranda of this Institute he published, among others, his 1855 treatise on the Isepiptesen Russia, so about bird migration.

In September 1860 he accompanied the Grand Duke Vladimir on his journey to Siberia, as the result of which appeared the treatise on the Barada (1870 ). In the summer of 1867 he went with the Grand Duke Alexis to Iceland and Novaya Zemlya.

In 1878 he made ​​a trip to Ferghana, which he described in the insights into the Ferghanathal ( St Petersburg 1881).
