Alexandre Le Riche de La Poupelinière

Alexandre Jean Joseph Le Riche de La Pouplinière (* July 26, 1693 in Chinon, † December 5, 1762 in Passy ) was a French tax farmers ( Fermier Général 1716-1718 and 1721-1762 ), art patron and supporter of the French Enlightenment.

Life and work

He was the son of Alexandre Le Riche de Courgains, seigneur de Courgains, en Anjou et de Brétignolles, en Touraine (1663-1735) a receveur général des finances and the Anne Lebreton (ca. 1666-1694 ). Both were married to each other since 1690. The couple had two children, in addition to the Alexandre Jean Joseph Le Riche de La Pouplinière there was a daughter Marie -Thérèse Le Riche. After the death of his first wife in 1694 his father re-married his second wife Madeleine Thérèse Chevalier de la Chicaudière († 1740).

De La Pouplinière, marquis de Breuilpont was one of the richest men of his time in France. His wealth he acquired as Fermier Général of King Louis XV. , A function that had held since 1718. Previously, he was with the military. For five years, he served in the infantry as a musketeer, mousquetaire du Roy. Later, through his wealth as a tax collector, was one of the biggest patron deeds of 18th century music. He was also to some extent a patron of the Enlightenment and beyond gathered a circle of artists, writers and musicians around him. De La Pouplinière maintained a private orchestra, " the best of what was known in those days ," said Jean -François Marmontel.

But other Métiers his time as intellectuals, writers, painters and musicians were just promoted. Under his obligation included such prominent names as Voltaire, Maurice Quentin de La Tour, Charles André van Loo, Jean -Philippe Rameau, Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz, Jean -Jacques Rousseau, Jacques de Vaucanson or François- Joseph Gossec.

Jean -Philippe Rameau met him in the year 1727th He let Rameau and his family in his quarters in the Rue de Richelieu live. Rameau headed for over twelve years, the private orchestra of his patron, where he gained valuable experience and experiment with the instrumental ensemble. But Rameau's wife Marie -Louise Rameau (approx. 1707-1785 ) took encouragement from de La Pouplinière.

As the successor of Rameau de Pouplinière could undertake the Mannheim violinist and composer Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz as head of his orchestra. Johann Stamitz undertook several concert tours, especially to Paris, Johann Stamitz remained only until autumn 1755 in Paris. Especially in this period, he consolidated his reputation as a recognized composer and virtuoso.

In 1737, married his first wife, the de Pouplinière Thérèse Boutinon of Hayes ( 1714-1752 ), the divorce was then carried out in November 1748 because she is said to have cheated on him with Louis François Armand du Plessis de Vignerot. In the run of MmeThérèse the Hayes de La Pouplinière Salon - he was one of the most popular salons of Paris - including François -André Philidor Danican was a regular guest. Pouplinières first wife was pretty solid music theory knowledge. She had such b. receive composition lessons from Jean -Philippe Rameau.

He completed his second marriage in 1760 to actress Madeleine Thérèse de Mondran de Breuilpont, dame de Breuilpont ( 1737-1824 ). The couple had a son the Alexandre Louis Gabriel le Riche de Breuilpont ( 1763-1836 ).

Rousseau was able to perform in 1745 with the help and support of de La Pouplinière his completed opera Les Muses gallant.

In 1747, the couple bought the castle from Passy, château de Passy - today it would be in the 16th arrondissement of Paris - it was on a hill.

In 1755 he left a theater at the end of the driveway to build his castle, now the Théâtre Le Ranelagh.

Works (selection)

  • Journal de voyage en Hollande. 1731
  • Comédies dont Daira. 1760
  • Tableaux of mœurs du temps dans les différents âges de la vie. 1750