Alexey Favorsky

Alexei Yevgrafovich Faworski (Russian Алексей Евграфович Фаворский; * 20 Februarjul / March 3 1860greg in Pavlovo, Nizhny Novgorod Governorate, .. † August 8, 1945 in Leningrad) was a Russian chemist.


Faworski comes from a priestly family, and received his secondary education in Nizhny Novgorod and Vologda. Between 1878 and 1882 he studied at the Faculty of the Imperial University of St. Petersburg Physico- Mathematical. Then Faworski got a job in the chemical laboratory of the University at Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov, where he worked during his studies.

In 1883 he went as a laboratory assistant to the First St. Petersburg Real establishment and next continued his work in the chemical university laboratory. From 1886 he was a laboratory technician at the technical laboratory of the St. Petersburg University. After his dissertation on the Master of Chemistry in 1891 Faworski received a teaching position as a lecturer in analytical chemistry at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.

1895 put Faworski before his dissertation Dr. chemistry and from the following year, he was a professor at the Department of Production Engineering and Industrial Chemistry. In 1897, he recognized the laws of the intramolecular rearrangement of α - halocarbonyl compounds that bears his name as Faworski rearrangement.

From 1897 to 1908 he worked simultaneously on the Chemical- Technological Institute in St. Petersburg and on he co-founded the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, whose director he was from 1934 to 1938. Between 1900 and 1905 Faworski developed a new method for the synthesis of alkynyl alcohols, which became known as Faworski reaction.

Beginning in 1901, he also served as editor of the Journal of the Russian Physico- Chemical Society.

Faworski published a number of scientific papers on the isomeric conversion of unsaturated hydrocarbons in the Journal of the Russian Physico- Chemical Society, some of which also appeared in German language and for which the Russian Physico- Chemical Society him with the " N. N. Sokolov Prize " excellent.

Favorsky 1939 developed a new method for the synthesis of isoprene from acetylene and acetone, 2 -methyl-3 - butyn- 2-ol and 2-methyl- 3-buten- 2-ol. 1941 Faworski was awarded the Stalin Prize for the introduction of a method for the industrial production of isoprene rubber.

His students included Sergei Vasilievich Lebedev, Vladimir Nikolayevich Ipatiev and Mikhail Alexandrovich Porai - Komiz.


  • Al. Faworsky: Isomerisationserscheinungen the hydrocarbons C n H 2n -2. First Treatise. Isomerization of monosubstituted acetylenes when heated with wine intellectual alkali solution. In: Journal of Applied Chemistry. 37, No. 1, 1888, pp. 382-395, doi: 10.1002/prac.18880370133. Original: Al. Faworsky: Изомеризация однозамещенных ацетиленов при нагревании со спиртовой щелочью. In: Journal of the Russian Physico- Chemical Society. XIX.
  • Al. Faworsky: Isomerisationserscheinungen the hydrocarbons C n H 2n -2. Second Treatise. Isomerization bisubstituierter acetylenes and Dimethylallens under the action of metallic sodium and synthesis of Acetylencarbonsäuren. In: Journal of Applied Chemistry. 37, No. 1, 1888, pp. 417-431, doi: 10.1002/prac.18880370138. Original: Al. Faworsky: Изомеризация двузамещенных ацетиленов и диметилаллена под влиянием металлического натрия и синтез ацетиленкарбоновых кислот. In: Journal of the Russian Physico- Chemical Society. XIX.
  • Al. Faworsky: Isomerisationserscheinungen the hydrocarbons C n H 2n -2. Third essay. Action of alkali on weingeistigem allylene. In: Journal of Applied Chemistry. 37, No. 1, 1888, pp. 531-536, doi: 10.1002/prac.18880370147. Original: Al. Faworsky: Действие спиртовой щелочи на аллилен. In: Journal of the Russian Physico- Chemical Society. XX.
  • Action of metallic sodium on ethyl Propylacetylen ( Действие металлического натрия на этил - пропилацетилен ), Journal of the Russian Physico- Chemical Society, Volume XX
  • Al. Faworsky: About the dimethylacetylene and its tetrabromide. In: Journal of Applied Chemistry. 42, No. 1, 1890, pp. 143-149, doi: 10.1002/prac.18900420112. Original: Al. Faworsky: О диметилацетилене и его тетрабромюре. In: Journal of the Russian Physico- Chemical Society. XXII.
  • Al. Faworsky: About geometrical isomerism of the bromo derivatives Pseudobutylens. In: Journal of Applied Chemistry. 42, No. 1, 1890, pp. 149-155, doi: 10.1002/prac.18900420113. Original: Al. Faworsky: О геометрической изомерии бромопроизводных псевдобутилена. In: Journal of the Russian Physico- Chemical Society. XXII.
  • The effect of alcoholic liquors on Allen and diethylenic hydrocarbons ( Действие спиртовой щелочи на аллен и диэтиленовые углеводороды ), Journal of the Russian Physico- Chemical Society, Vol XXIII; German publication in the "Journal of Practical Chemistry ", Issue 44
  • Faworski / Krassuski: The effect of alcoholic liquors on Dipropargile ( Действие спиртовой щелочи на дипропаргиль ), No. XXIII; German publication in the "Journal of Practical Chemistry ", Issue 44
  • Al. Faworsky: About Isomerisationserscheinungen in the ranks of the chlorinated carbonyl compounds and alcohols haloïdsubstituirter oxides of Aethylenkohlenwasserstoffe. In: Journal of Applied Chemistry. 51, No. 1, 1895, pp. 533-563, doi: 10.1002/prac.18950510149. Original: Al. Faworsky: Исследование изомерных превращений в рядах карбонильных соединений, охлоренных спиртов и галоидозамещенных окисей. In: Journal of the Russian Physico- Chemical Society. XXVI.