Ali-Qoli Khan Bakhtiari

Sardar As'ad Bachtiyari (Persian سردار اسعد بختياري, Ali Qoli Khan, also known as Haj Ali Qoli Khan Sardar Asad II ) (* 1856, † 1917) was a bachtiyārīscher tribal leader and one of the most important figures in the Constitutional Revolution.

Sardar As'ad Bachtiyari was considered one of the best and most honorable tribal leader of the Bachtiyaris. In tribal affairs he decided fairly and impartially. Self-taught, he traveled to Paris and remained there several years. In 1909 he returned to Iran and supported the constitutional movement. He took command of the Bachtiyārī troops who moved in 1909 to Tehran and the area enclosed by the Cossack Brigade parliamentarians freed.
