Allan Temko

Allan Bernard Temko ( born February 4, 1924 in New York, NY, † January 25, 2006 in Orinda, California ) was an American architect and architecture critic. In 1990, he won the Pulitzer Prize.


Temko grew up in Weehawken, New Jersey, on. He was a naval officer in World War II. In 1947, he graduated from New York's Columbia University. He then studied at the University of California, Berkeley and at the Sorbonne in Paris. Temko later taught urban planning and social sciences at Berkeley. From 1971 to 1980 he was a full professor at California State University, Hayward.

From 1961 to 1993 Temko was architecture critic for the San Francisco Chronicle. He won the 1990 Pulitzer Prize for a work on the Notre- Dame de Paris cathedral. He was the first architecture critic in the world to ever win this award.

His 1955 book, published Notre Dame of Paris is still a bestseller today.
