Alliance for Germany

The Alliance for Germany was an electoral alliance, which together joined to the first and last free elections to the People's Chamber of the German Democratic Republic on 18 March 1990 on 5 February 1990.

Christian Democratic Union ( CDU -Ost ), German Social Union (DSU ) and Democratic Awakening (DA) formed a located somewhere in the center right of the political spectrum electoral alliance, the alliance was named for Germany. Major contribution to this merger had the CDU (West) under the then Chairman and Chancellor of the Federal Republic Helmut Kohl. Originally in the negotiations still took the German Forum Party in part; this then joined but the liberal Alliance of Free Democrats party alliance to.

The Alliance for Germany came for a quick association and for the restoration of the old country as they had existed until 1952 in the GDR, a. With 48.15 % of the votes cast (CDU 40.9 %; DSU 6.3 % 0.9% DA ) won the Alliance for Germany clearly the parliamentary elections, reaching 192 of 400 seats. There was no threshold, the result was not enough for an absolute majority and the Alliance for Germany formed with the Liberals ( BFD) and the SPD of a grand coalition. Prime Minister was the top candidate of the Alliance Lothar de Maizière ( CDU).

The DA merged on August 4, 1990 with the CDU, which in turn merged with the West CDU on 2 October 1990. The DSU went against it independently in the following elections and persists to this day.
