Allianz (arts)

The alliance was founded in 1937 as an association of modern Swiss artists of Richard Paul Lohse and Leo Leuppi. Leuppi was president of the alliance until 1954.

The Alliance Group was based on the inspired by Max Bill Zurich School of concrete, however, put more weight on the colors as their fellow artists who were committed to constructivism. The members of the alliance devoted himself mainly to concrete and constructive art, but were representatives of surrealism and the Spätkubismus in the group active and present their works in group exhibitions.

The first group exhibition New Art in Switzerland took place in 1938 at the Kunsthalle Basel, the last in 1954 at the Helm home in Zurich.

1940 gave the alliance the Allmanach New Art in Switzerland out with reproductions of members and works by Paul Klee, Le Corbusier and Kurt Seligmann. The Allmanach contained texts by Bill, Leuppi, Le Corbusier, Seligmann, Sigfried Giedion and others.

Artist of the Alliance

