Alois Wotawa

Alois Wotawa ( born June 11, 1896 in Vienna, † April 12, 1970 ) was an Austrian composer and chess prosecutor. He lived and worked in Vienna. Wotawa died in 1970, two years after a few weeks his closest friend Josef Halumbirek and his wife had died.


Wotawa composed more than 350 studies and published primarily in German-speaking countries. In addition, Wotawa also created some problems. He referred to them as " botched playoffs ." Around the year 1960, he became friends with Friedrich Chlubna, who then began to compose straight. Most studies Wotawas appeared in the German chess magazine in which Josef Halumbirek, a friend Wotawas, acted as a clerk in the final part.

1966 Alois Wotawa was appointed by the FIDE to the International Masters for chess compositions. In the following study finds White 's rescue with a highly unusual train.

Solution: 1 Sf7 - e5 TD7 d2 2 Kf2 -e3 - e2 Td2 3 Ke3 -d4 Te2xe5 4 Tf1 - f6! Double attack on the La6 and Re5. If black saves both figures with 4 ... Re5 - a5, he loses 5 Tf6 - g6 its farmers. It remains only 4 ... g7xf6 patt.


Wotawa worked as a prosecutor in Vienna in the area of economic crime.


  • Alois Wotawa: In Search of chess pieces. 150 endgame studies. de Gruyter, Berlin 1965.


  • Literature by and about Alois Wotawa in the catalog that German national library
  • Compositions by Alois Wotawa on the PDB server

Pictures of Alois Wotawa
