Alpha Columbae

1000 L ☉

Phakt (also phAct or phàt, from Arabic الفاجتة, DMG al - Fāḫita, dove ') is the proper name of the star α Columba ( Columba alpha ) in the constellation pigeon. Phakt is a supergiant of spectral type B7e and with an apparent magnitude of 2.65 like the brightest star in the pigeon. Its distance from Earth is about 260 light-years. Phakt rotates like most B stars very rapidly (90 times faster than the sun), so that the rotational speed at the equator is more than 180 km / s. This results in a flattening of the pole and to form a gas of low density disc, the surrounding Phakt to about two radii removal rating. This disc sends, inspired by their central star, an emission line spectrum. Such stars are Be stars called (with the "e" stands for emission ). Similar stars are Achernar, Alkione and Gamma Cassiopeiae.

Phakt has as a double star only 12.3 light like companion in 13.5 " distance.


  • Jim Kaler: Phakt