
Amaiur is formed for participation in the Spanish general elections 2011 election alliance left nationalist Basque parties. The same parties were to regional election in 2012 under the name Euskal Herria - Bildu.

Electoral alliance

Under Spanish electoral law political parties can form coalitions ( coaliciones ) and submit as joint nominations. Coalitions can always be established only for participation in a particular choice, so are not permanent organizations and its constituent parties retain their full independence.

At the regional and local elections on May 22, 2011, the parties Eusko Alkartasuna and Alternatiba Eraikitzen had competed in an electoral alliance with the designation Bildu and had achieved considerable success.

On October 2, 2011, representatives of these two parties and the party Aralar known ( Cortes Generales s) to compete in elections to the Spanish Parliament on 20 November 2011 in the three provinces of the autonomous community of Basque Country and Navarre in an electoral alliance under the name Amaiur.

The Alliance Amaiur received in these elections in the Basque Country 24.1% of the vote and six seats in Navarra 14.9 % of the vote and a mandate.

In the elections to the Basque Parliament on October 21, 2012, the same three parties entered ( Aralar, Eusko Alkartasuna and Alternatiba Eraikitzen ) into an electoral alliance, this time under the name Euskal Herria - Bildu ( EH BILDU ). After the new party of izquierda Abertzale, Sortu, was legalized after a ruling by the Constitutional Court, the candidacy was also supported by this. However Sortu was not formally a member of the electoral alliance, as was still the party at this point in the construction of their structures.

In EH BILDU accounted for in this election 25 % of the vote and she moved with 21 deputies as the second strongest force in the regional parliament.


Amaiur (Spanish: Maya ) is the name of a symbolic location in the Pyrenees, in whose castle Navarrese troops 1522 rendered the last resistance against the invasion by Castile.
