Amaranth (color)

As the color term amarant a reddish, sometimes slightly bluish going pink as it is found in the bloom of red amaranth.

The color amaranth is similar to the magenta used in four- color print of the CMY color space, but contains a little more red components. After Maerz & Paul appeared in English the name amaranth for a color for the first time in the year 1690.

The azo dye amaranth is also used as food coloring and use is approved in Europe as a food additive E 123.


The word amaranth comes from the Greek [ αμάραντ ος, Amarantos ]. This means as much as " not passing ," meaning " always flourishing ." In Greek mythology Amarantos is an eternally blooming flower that has been well hidden by the gods. Whoever finds it, however, is immortal.


In the French university system, the gowns of the traditional faculties ( Théologie, Droit, Médecine, Sciences et exactes EXPERIMENTALES, sciences, art ) wearing different Leitfarben, where exactes Sciences et EXPERIMENTALES is represented by the color Amarante.

The members of the fraternity Alemannia Stuttgart amarantrote wear hats.

The Case Canto kidney called maintenance houses of Italian road operating company ANAS are painted in this color.

Color variations
