Ancient Macedonian calendar

The reform of the Macedonian calendar was Seleucus I, I. after conflicts with Antigonus with the assistance of Ptolemy the territory of Babylonia could finally win 312 BC, continued. This year under the current historical era, the Seleucid era began.

Moreover, were the old calendar system of Solon and the Arab- Macedonian model in use. In ancient Egypt, the Ptolemies used the Macedonian- Solon calendar, which has been harmonized in the late period of the Macedonian- Arabic calendar.


Macedonian - Seleucid calendar

The Greek lunisolar calendar was broken down according to the calendar reform: The Greco- Babylonian calendar was based on the Babylonian model and started in the spring. The Greco- Macedonian calendar maintained continue to fall as a start to the year.

The first day of the month usually began with the first visible Neulicht. In the year 312 BC, however, already had before it a schematic lunar calendar, which included alternating 29 and 30 days. The common year had thus 12 months. A cycle consisted of 19 years in which seven leap years were included. When switching months Xanthikos were six times and Hyperberetaios inserted once.

Macedonian - solonischer Calendar

With the introduction of this calendar type in the time of Solon, a leap month was inserted respectively in the second year. The months shifted with time and went through the seasons. According to calculations by Pieter -Willem Pestman the Ptolemies used the Macedonian- Solon calendar for converting the reigns of the Egyptian calendar.

Macedonian - Arabic calendar

In the Nabataean Empire and the Roman province of Arabia Petraea subsequent existed a Macedonian calendar, which was adapted into the characteristics of the Egyptian calendar. The year each began in early spring; the Epagomenen made ​​as an attachment to the past month.
