Andi Bell

Andi Bell is an English sportsman memory and three-time world memory champion. It was 1998, 2002 and 2003 World Memory Champion.


For his memory Records Bell linked fixed images together into a story. He has for the numerals from 00-99 each a person, an action and an object. For the first two digits of a six-digit number he takes the representative individual in his head as an actor. The next two digits are the verb and the last two digits of the object.

These mini - stories he shall subsequently using the method of loci on mental paths in his head off through visualization.


  • Memorization of a well-mixed stack of cards with 52 cards in 31.16 seconds
  • Memorization of 1197 Cards ( 23 decks and a card ) in one hour
  • Memorization of 50 fictitious historical data in five minutes
  • Memorizing 396 digits in five minutes


Bell is an avid football and hockey players and recommends next to mental training and to conduct intensive fitness training ( " Mens sana in corpore sano ").
