Angus McPhee

Angus McPhee ( born in 1914 on South Uist, South Uist on † 1997) was a Scottish Art Brut artists.

McPhee grew up on South Uist (Outer Hebrides ) on in the simplest, traditional rural conditions. He holds in his childhood and youth accordingly and traditional craft skills.

At the beginning of World War II he was drafted jointly with his father. Probably due to traumatic war experiences, he fell ill with schizophrenia and spent the next 50 years in a mental hospital in Craig Dunain in Inverness. During this time he spoke almost no word more ( selective mutism ), and spent his entire time in the hospital belonging to the ground where he made a wide range of utility and art objects made ​​of grass, sheep's wool, branches and other simple materials. He was brought back by his sister back to his old home until 1996. His works are being presented today in a number of art galleries.

2004 produced the Briton Nick Higgins a documentary about his life ( Hidden Gifts: The Mystery of Angus MacPhee ), one Britspotting Award won in 2005.
