Annulet (heraldry)

A ring is a common figure in heraldry and is actually without symbolic power and thus the emblem of a minimalist image. In medieval times it was considered a sign of episcopal dignity.

The presentation is similar to the washer from the mechanical engineering. All heraldic colors are possible. Is the inside but of a different color, it's not a ring, but a filled openwork ball or disk.

The number is limited in many coats of arms on three and then placed one (2:1) two. The part of a ring emblazoned bow, otherwise it is also said half ring.

Many small rings are suitable for filling of the sign face, so for sprinkling, also for documents or cutlery. They are also as chain links intertwined in the coat of arms shown.

Possible is the representation of a jewelery ring. These rings are sometimes by a hand, especially on the outstretched arm ( Stargarder arm), which can also be kept in armor. Is he busy with a stone, so this must be described.

Is a wicked cross at the ends of his arms filled with rings, so it is a ring cross.

A narrow arch, above sullied with a cross ( Freiberg AT)

A jewelry ring ( Muehlacker DE)

At arms length ( Neustrelitz DE)
