Antigone Costanda

Antigone cost Anda (Arabic أنتيجون كوستاندا ) is a former beauty queen and fashion model. She is the Miss World 1954.


Cost Anda has Greek and Egyptian roots and in 1953 voted Miss Egypt. They then took part in the Miss World 1954 which was held in London on 18 October 1954. Antigone cost Anda was able to prevail against 15 competitors inside and won the first and only title for Egypt. It replaced the French Denise Perrier from a title holder. The Egyptian occurred in London in 1955 at the freestyle the Venezuelan Carmen Duijm Zubillaga Miss World 1955 not because of Egypt with Great Britain were in dispute over the Suez Canal, which culminated in the Suez crisis in 1956. In later years, Antigone cost Anda worked as a photo model and interior designer.
