Antoine-Alexis Cadet de Vaux

Antoine Alexis Cadet de Vaux (* September 13, 1743 in Paris, † June 29, 1828 in Nogent ) was a French chemist, chemists and agronomists.


Cadet de Vaux has made outstanding contribution to the improvement of the technical branches of agriculture and to the improved operation of the gardening and viticulture. In 1771 he was elected a member of the Scholars Academy Leopoldina. He was in 1777 one of the founders of the Journal de Paris, the first French daily newspaper. In the years 1791 and 1792, he was president of the department of Seine -et- Oise, and during the Republic inspector of police and welfare of the hospital Val -de- Grâce in Paris.

Since 1803 Cadet de Vaux served as one of the chief editors of the Journal d' Economie Rurale et domestique and the Cours complet d'agriculture pratique.


  • Observations sur les fosses d' aisance (Paris 1778).
  • Instruction sur l'art de faire le vin ( Agasse, Paris to prepare in 1800, German instruction to the art of wine. Guilhauman, Frankfurt am Main 1802).
  • Avis sur les moyens de l' diminuer insalubrité of habitations après les inondations (Paris 1802).
  • Mémoire sur la gelatin of the os et son application à l' économie alimentaire ( Xhrouet, Paris 1803; German The jelly bones a pleasant, well- Feiles and powerful foods their easy preparation in all households and hospitals, and their importance for the sick and the poor. Varrentrapp & Wenner, Frankfurt am Main 1803).
  • Aperçus économiques et chimiques sur l' extraction du sucre de betteraves, considérée sous les rapports de l' économie domestique et de l' économie manufacturière ( Colas, Paris 1811).
  • Moyens de Prévenir le retour of disettes ( Colas, Paris 1812) BnF / Gallica.
  • De la goutte et du rhumatisme ( Colas, Paris 1824; German New method of treatment of gout and rheumatism proven by practical experience: together with a general statement of comprehensive union JH Cloquet and C. Giraudy for rational treatment of these diseases, to ease the pain, and to lift the evil. Voigt, Ilmenau 1826).