Antoine Maurin

Antoine Maurin ( born December 19, 1771 in Montpellier, † October 4, 1830 in Paris) was a French general.


1792 joined the army and fought Maurin during the revolution in the cavalry. Ala followers of Napoleon, he also participated in several battles of the first coalition war and since he could be distinguished by bravery, he was promoted very quickly to the officer.

During the war in Portugal Maurin led by General Junot Andoche a cavalry brigade. Subsequently, he served as military governor of the province of Algarve in southern Portugal. When the Portuguese rebelled with the support of British troops against the French occupation, General Junot and his troops had to retreat. Governor Maurin was sick in Faro surprised and captured on June 16, 1808 along with 70 soldiers.

They came on a British warship and remained until September 1812 in captivity. After his return home, and a small time of rest him a command was retransmitted. Already on 26-27. August of the following year he fought with bravery at the Battle of Dresden.

After Napoleon's abdication Maurin served under King Louis XVIII. ; during the reign of the Hundred Days, he returned under Napoleon's command.

In the battle of Ligny Maurin was seriously injured but recovered and was able to 1823 still discern various military tasks and functions. This year, he retired into private life. During the July Revolution, Maurin again reported to the army, but died on October 4, 1830 at the age of almost 59 years.

