Antoninus of Sorrento

The St. Antoninus of Sorrento, OSB, the abbot also Antoninus (Italian Antonino Abate, * in Sorrento, † 830 ) was a Benedictine abbot and saint of the Catholic Church. He retired in the destruction of Monte Cassino by the Lombards to Sorrento.

Worship, invocation and patronages

In 1558 his remains were found in the walls of Sorrento.

Main churches:

  • Chiesa di Sant'Antonino abate, Sorrento, CA ( Sanctuary )
  • Chiesa del SS Salvatore e di Sant'Antonino abate, Campagna CA ( Sanctuary )

His feast day is 14 February, his presumed death.

Was referred to the liberation of obsession, even bubonic plague and cholera are called. It is next to the Sankt Urban and the St. Cyriak (frost saint) as a patron saint of winemakers, because he saved from a drunken stupor.

He is patron of Parma, Piacenza, Pesaro, Mirandola and main patron of the Archdiocese of Sorrento.


Antoninus is represented as a bearded Bendiktinerabt with book and miter; the miter is on the ground next to him always. He wears the costume of the representations of the Jerónimos in a white tunic with a scapular and Mozzetta in black. He often stands on the figure of the Vanquished Devil. Various occasions there are also scenes from the miracle cycle: As the precious silver statue of the Sorrentinern goldsmith could not be paid, he pays the invoice with the appearance of the purchase price.
