Antonio Pennacchi

Antonio Pennacchi ( born January 26, 1950 in Latina ) is an Italian author.


Pennacchis parents had been settled in the Fascist era Italy in the Pontine plain, as there the marshes were drained. He worked as a shift worker and leveled in his political socialization between Italian neo-fascists and the Maoists. In the 1970s, he was in the Italian trade union movement, active from the Socialists and the Communists. In 2007 he joined the Partito Democratico.

In 1982 he began writing. The novel Mio fratello è figlio unico was filmed in 2007 ( My Brother is an Only Child). Also, the short film Occhi verdi was a history of it is based. For the novel Canale Mussolini, he was awarded the 2010 Premio Strega.

Writings (selection )

  • Canale Mussolini. Hanser, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-446-23860-2.
  • A red cloud. Luchterhand, Munich 2001, ISBN 3-630-87088-0.
  • Fascio e martello, Viaggio per le città del Duce. Laterza, Roma -Bari 2010, ISBN 978-88-420-9229-2.
  • Il fasciocomunista: scriteriata vita di Accio Benassi; romanzo. Mondadori, Milano 2003, ISBN 88-04-48822-0.
  • Mammoth. Donizelli, Rome 1994, ISBN 88-7989-086-7.