Apache Tuscany

Apache Tuscany is an open source project of the Apache Software Foundation, whose goal is to provide the basic components of a Service Oriented Architecture ( SOA). For this purpose, it implements the Service Component Architecture (SCA ) - the Service Data Objects (SDO ) - and the Data Access Service ( DAS) specification.

The SCA standard specifies the services in an SOA, it can be defined, for example, interfaces for distribution of services. SDO is a uniform interface for accessing different data formats and data sources. The DAS specification implements an SDO interface for relational databases.

These specifications are to enable language-independent components in an SOA. the Tuscany project provides implementations for various programming languages ​​, such as C , Java and PHP, ready.

The SCA specification is supported by a body of OASIS ( Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) standardized, SDO and DAS specification of the OSOA (Open Service Oriented Architecture - an association of software manufacturers ) developed.

Pictures of Apache Tuscany
