
Apamea (Greek Ἀπάμεια, latin Apamea ) refers to a series of ancient cities:

  • Apamea in Bithynia, a town on the Sea of ​​Marmara
  • Apamea on the Euphrates, the city on the Euphrates
  • Apamea Kibotos, city in Phrygia
  • Apamea in Mesopotamia, the city at the confluence of the Euphrates and Tigris
  • Apamea in Mesene, city on the Tigris, in the Charakene (another city as Apamea in Mesopotamia )
  • Apamea on the Orontes, in Syria city
  • Apamea Rhagiane, town in Parthia between Tehran and Shahrud

Apamea called:

  • Apamea ( genus ), a genus within the moth

Titularbistümer the Roman Catholic Church:

  • Apamea in Syria ( Titularerzbistum ) ( Italian: Apamea di Siria )
  • Apamea in Syria dei Greco - Melkiti
  • Apamea in Syria dei Maroniti
  • Apamea in Syria dei Siri
  • Apamea in Bithynia

See also: Apame, peace of Apamea

  • Disambiguation