Aquarius (astrology)

The Zodiac sign Aquarius (Greek Ὑδροχόος Hydrochóos " water molder"; Latin Aquarius ) is the eleventh section of the zodiac of 300 ° to 330 ° ecliptic longitude from the vernal equinox.

The sun is in the middle in the period 21 January to 18 February in this sign. Due to the migration of the vernal equinox the zodiac sign Aquarius no longer meets today the constellation Aquarius. In the constellation Aquarius, the Sun is approximately in the period 16 February to 12 March.

After Tetrabiblos of Claudius Ptolemy

  • Is the Aquarius Male ( I.12 ) and
  • Saturn is the ruler of the sign ( I.17 ).

As melothesische match the Aquarius the lower leg were associated in the ancient Iatroastrologie. The associated deity was Juno.

With twins and scale forms of Aquarius the trine of the element air, and with Taurus, Leo and Scorpio the square of the four fixed signs.

The character was already part of the Babylonian zodiac. It appears as a " fish man " ( GU.LA ) On the MUL.APIN panels.

Shown is the sign since ancient times as a man who pours water from a jug, which he often carries on his shoulder. Only in more modern depictions of Aquarius is shown as a merman. The astrological symbol just shows two wavy lines.

The Unicode character for the symbol is U 2652 ( ♒ ).
