Capricorn (astrology)

The zodiac sign of Capricorn (Greek αἰγοκερεύς Aigokereus, Latin Capricornus ) corresponds to the tenth section of the zodiac of 270 ° to 300 ° ecliptic longitude from the vernal equinox.

The sun is in the middle in the period December 22 to January 20 in this sign. Due to the migration of the vernal equinox the zodiac sign Capricorn no longer meets today the constellation Capricorn. In the constellation Capricorn, the Sun is approximately in the period 20 January to 16 February.

After Tetrabiblos of Claudius Ptolemy

  • The ibex is female ( I.12 ) and
  • Saturn is the ruler of the sign ( I.17 ),
  • And Mars is exalted in Capricorn ( I.19 ).

As melothesische match the Capricorn, the knees were assigned in the ancient Iatroastrologie. The associated deity was Vesta.

With Taurus and Virgo is Capricorn trine of the element earth, and with Aries, Cancer and Libra the square of the four tropical or cardinal signs.

The character was already part of the Babylonian zodiac. It appears as a " goat fish " ( SUḪUR.MAŠ ) On the MUL.APIN panels.

Shown is the sign since ancient times mostly as a hybrid of goat and fish. The front part is that of a goat, the rump is a fish tail. Only in more modern depictions, the character appears as a Capricorn. The astrological symbol is a graphic combination of the horns of the goat ( or Capricorn ) and a fish tail ends up marigolds.

The Unicode character for the symbol is U 2651 ( ♑ ).
