Aquarius Dwarf

The Aquarius Dwarf Galaxy ( briefly also AqrDIG ) is a dwarf irregular galaxy in the constellation of Aquarius, first cataloged in the year 1959 by the screening of the DDO Survey.

One of its characteristic features is its occurring in only a few galaxies blue shift, equivalent to the fact that this galaxy is moving towards the Milky Way. The speed of approach amounts to 137 km / s

Lee et al. could then identify AqrDIG finally as a member of the Local Group in 1999. They measured the distance to (950 ± 50) kpc by certain the tip of the Red Riesenasts the dwarf galaxy. In about the same distance to the barycenter of the Local Group AqrDIG makes it one of the isolated galaxies of this group of galaxies and the intergalactic space.

Compared to other dwarf irregular galaxies AqrDIG is relatively faint.
