Arbutus unedo

Western Strawberry Tree (Arbutus unedo )

The Western Strawberry Tree (Arbutus unedo ) is a Laubgehölzart from the kind of strawberry trees in the family Ericaceae ( Ericaceae ). Ancient names are sea cherry or Hagapfel.


The Western Strawberry tree is an evergreen shrub or tree which grows to a height of 3 to 5, rarely up to 10 meters. The bark is dark red at first, later gray-brown and cracked. The branches are densely foliated. The change-constant leaves are elliptical in shape, about 11 inches long and 4 inches wide and are stalked about 1 cm long. They are shiny dark green on top and at the edge finely serrated.

The flowering season falls in the months of October to December. The flowers are white to light pink and bell- shaped. The approximately 2 to 3 inches in diameter large fruits of winter Bliiher mature so slowly that red fruits and flowers hang on the tree at the same time. They have a warty surface are initially green color with increasing maturity orange to red and then remember the strawberry fruit; therefore also stirred the German name for the plant. Inside the fruit is yellow-orange and fleshy until mealy consistency. The fruits are edible and have a slightly sweet flavor.


The Western Strawberry Tree is a typical fruit of the Mediterranean. It is found in the evergreen forests of the region around the Mediterranean, but in addition also on the Atlantic coast to Ireland. One also often finds him on roadsides. Because of its resistance to exhaust it is tentatively also planted in cities.

Taxonomy and etymology

The Western Strawberry Tree was first published in 1753 by Carl Linnaeus in Species Plantarum. The Latin epithet unedo (and not unedo ) was given by Linnaeus. Arbutus unedo thus refers to the strawberry tree and its fruit. Vorlinneisch this species was known as Arbutus unedo or folio serrato Plinii vulgo. The by Pliny the Elder put forward naive interpretation of unum tantum edo ( I = only eat one (fruit) ( because otherwise too acidic ) ) is still found in 1852 in Witt stone.

In heraldry the strawberry tree in the coat of arms of the Spanish capital Madrid is mapped.


The very hard wood of the Western Strawberry tree is only used locally. However, it provides an excellent fuel with a high calorific value represents the fruits are processed into jams and Portugal to a typical local schnapps called Medronho. In Sardinia, a flower honey is known as " Amaro di strawberry trees ".



Flowers and fruits at different stages of maturity
