Arch of Reunification

The monument to the reunification is a monument in the North Korean capital Pyongyang in the district Rakrang - guyŏk. It was built in 2001 to commemorate the efforts of the "eternal president" Kim Il-sung with the Korean unification between North and South Korea. This was the first in 1960 created a reunion concept and on 3 May 1972 a state visit of South Korean government delegation in Pyongyang three principles for a reunion formulated ( independent reunification without reference to foreign forces and free from foreign interference, large national unity in deferral of differences of ideology and systems, peaceful reunification without force of arms ).


The monument is through a gate on the Tongil - road, an expressway that runs from Pyongyang after Kaesong and on to Panmunjeom the Demilitarized Zone. It has a total height of 30 meters and a width of 61.50 meters and provides two 25 -meter-high identical stone Koreans that are consistent in traditional Korean costume over and shared a table with the map of the united Korea and the inscription 3 대헌장 keep up. Is framed, the panel of two summer magnolias, the national flower of North Korea.

At the base of the monument there are various sculptures, representative of the three of Kim Il-sung formulated principles for a reunion.

Group of figures at the bottom base

Memorial stone
