
McCune - Reischauer is together with the revised Romanization and the Yale Romanization one of the most commonly used romanization for the Korean script. The South Korean Ministry of Education got a slightly modified version of McCune - Reischauer as the official romanization 1988. In 2000, then led the Education and Ministry of Tourism a likewise revised on the McCune - Reischauer -based romanization as the official system, which has indeed prevailed in official publications and on street signs and McCune - Reischauer has forced out many of the newer, non- print works, is, however, considered by Koreans in private life just as before, the McCune -Reischauer romanization. Yet another variant of McCune - Reischauer remains in North Korea continues to the official romanization. The respective official ISO transcriptions North and South Korea do not play a larger role.

McCune - Reischauer was created in 1937 by the two Americans, George M. McCune and Edwin O. Reischauer. This gave up a faithful transliteration of Hangeul characters and oriented more toward a phonetic in terms of English-language readers playback Korean words.

  • 2.1 vowels
  • 2.2 consonants

Special character

The transcription used Briefs, apostrophes, and tremas that are often omitted or replaced for technical reasons or ignorance.

In according to McCune - Reischauer Romanized Korean words ŭ stands for the written Hangul vowel ㅡ, regardless of its respective actual pronunciation. This is similar, depending on the speaker more or less the first "given" to "e" in German, but only if ㅡ stands as a vowel alone or in initial position. The letter O stands for the phonetic value of the Hangul vowel ㅓ realized by most speakers as the "o" in "open". In contrast to ŭ ŏ is only written when in fact this debate is present, ie in the Romanization of ㅓ ( = O) and ㅕ ( = yo ), but not in the digraph ㅔ ( = e ) and ㅖ ( = ye).

Briefs problem

With 2 ( du) - beolsik, the most common input method for Korean, a free-hanging Breve can tap the consonant ㄱ ( giyeok ) and pressing the hanja key and the Ctrl key to enter. The input of vowels with a breve, however, support neither Western nor keyboards input methods for the Korean language such as 2- beolsik. The Hangul vowel ㅓ example is due to such technical limitations often with o, eo, ô, ǒ or he Romanized ŏ instead. The absence of the often decisive for the meaning of a word Breves and harmonized approach to his replacement can be considered as one of the reasons that McCune - Reischauer abroad, but especially in Korea itself, was only moderate acceptance and in the late 20th century McCune -Reischauer displacement by Auer entirely without diacritics auskommende systems began: the Yale romanization in linguistics, the revised Romanization in other areas.



¹ ë after ㅏ or ㅗ


In column one is a Initialkonsonant before a vowel to indicate non- emphasis.
