Army Group Don

The Army Group Don was a major unit of the Army of the Wehrmacht during the Second World War. She was supreme command each changing armies as well as many special forces.


The Army Group Don was formed on 21 November 1942 troops of Army Group B in the space around Stalingrad. These were the Stalingrad soon trapped 6th Army, the 4th Panzer Army (including under its 4th Romanian Army ) in space Kotelnikovo, about 190 km south-west of Stalingrad, the army department Hollidt and the 3rd Romanian Army. The Army High Command under Field Marshal Erich 11 von Manstein was converted to the supreme command of the new army group. The task of the army group was to bring the Russian attacks ( Operation Uranus ) to stand and regain previously held positions gehabten.

The army group first tried the 6th Army by attacking the 4th Panzer Army on the siege to shock ( → Company Winter Storm ). However, after the 6th Army, the entire southern wing of the Eastern Front had been shaken by the outburst Hitler was prohibited from Stalingrad and had to be given up to Christmas 1942, the relief attempt.

By changing the position of the newly imputed 1st Panzer Army from the Caucasus in the Ukraine and the use of brought up from the West II SS Panzer Corps launched by Manstein then a counter-offensive one, the front of Army Group with the in March 1943 could be stabilized.

On 12 February 1943, the Army Group Don was renamed as part of the dissolution of the Army Group B in Army Group South.

Supreme Commander

Imputed armies

